This packages supports HMAC with the included secure hash algorithms: SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA_384, SHA-512.

import { hmac } from "@oslojs/crypto/hmac";
import { SHA256 } from "@oslojs/crypto/sha2";

const mac = hmac(SHA256, key, message);

An alternative API is also available.

import { HMAC } from "@oslojs/crypto/hmac";
import { SHA512 } from "@oslojs/crypto/sha2";

const mac = new HMAC(SHA256, key);
const digest = mac.digest();

To validate MACs, create the expected MAC and use constantTimeEqual() to compare them without leaking timing information (*).

Note: While the implementation is algorithmically constant time, the JIT-compiler and garbage collection makes it nearly impossible for JavaScript code to be constant time.

import { hmac } from "@oslojs/crypto/hmac";
import { SHA256 } from "@oslojs/crypto/sha2";
import { constantTimeEqual } from "@oslojs/crypto/subtle";

const mac = new Uint8Array(/*...*/);
const expected = hmac(SHA256, key, message);
const valid = constantTimeEqual(mac, expected);